Twin Peaks

une série de David Lynch (1990)

I'm fine with Lynch+Frost not giving people what they want, even mocking nostalgia. But what are they giving people, exactly? Could that even be vaguely defined?

Apart from episodes 3 and 8, which built a stellar sense of mystery and unease (with episode 8 basically being the evil twin of The Tree of Life), on the whole season 3 felt as much vacuous to me as most of the original series. The mythology is so arbitrary, and the characters are neither lovable nor actually having any personality. Direction is quirky but mostly elongated in a way which borders on trolling (do not give me the 'meditative quality' crap excuse). So I still don't get what some viewers are raving about.

Or is it all about sound design? Because sound design is really great.

... Twin Peaks is so much like Kanye West.