
un jeu de Alan Hazelden, Harry Lee (2013)

Minimaliste sur le plan graphique, Sokobond se garde pourtant de toute aridité : la courbe de difficulté est en pente douce et chaleureuse, et la plupart des puzzles contiennent des marges de manœuvre « raisonnables », c'est-à-dire dans cette zone agréable à égale distance de l'optimisation étouffante et de la toile blanche vertigineuse.

Edit: You know, it's been two days since I solved it, but I keep replaying 'Church' in my head. Cutting, pushing, moving around, bonding again. Dance moves. The answer popped out from some unknown void, but most notably: it hasn't left me. It's sort of a... trailing epiphany? A cognitive scar? My mind being in awe of its sudden ability to foresee whatever could happen. And the moves keep happening. They're waiting for me to go to sleep and try and stop thinking to ease themselves to the foreground. And I shall submit to this haunting up until it's buried under new, fresh unearthings.